Published author and qualified industry leader in education & course creation

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11 Ways To Beat Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome When Creating Online Courses

11 Ways To Beat Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome When Creating Online Courses Before we go into the 11 tips, here are a couple of videos in overcoming common fears, self-doubts and the inner imposter when ‘putting yourself out there’ as an expert…..   Imposter syndrome kicks in when we spend more time focusing on the…


How To Enhance and Inform Your Training Plans Using Accredited Frameworks

“You don’t need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to training design.  Most of the hard work has already been done for you” @CordinerSarah Use what’s already freely available to help you create quality learning experiences We’ve all heard of the old saying ‘don’t reinvent the wheel’, yet many educators and course designers still…


The biggest mistake educators make when managing classroom behaviour

What is good behaviour, and how do you get a certain group of people to behave in a certain way that allows for teachers to teach, and learners to learn in the most productive ways possible? These questions have been asked for many years, and there are many oppressive theories behind resolutions to ‘bad’ behaviour….


What is the role of the adult educator in the welfare to work sector?

There’s a lot to be said about our roles as educators – and they don’t get easier when you have a class full of adults. I’m a Trainer and CEO of a company that runs various activities and training initiatives for the long-term unemployed, benefit claimants, and offenders – often referred to as the ‘welfare…